10 things you should be doing to your property this spring

Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2021


Now that spring is in sight, it’s a good idea to plan for a seasonal home refresh, and with so many of us spending more time at home at the moment, why not invest some time in a few home improvement projects?

So if you recently bought your house or have been living there for some time, here are 10 suggestions for you to consider:

Clean up the roof

When the sun returns, grab a pair of binoculars and inspect your roof for damage. Make sure to replace missing or cracked shingles. You may need to install new fasteners if you see any shingle-shift. Pay close attention to those valleys between roof peaks. Debris such as pine needles can easily build up there.

Examine the chimney

While you are at it, you can examine your chimney as well. If there is vegetation growing, or if the mortar joints have started to break down, water may have infiltrated the chimney. Even if there are no signs of trouble, it’s a good idea to have a professional inspect and clean your chimney.

Add a hedgehog house

Since 2000, the number of hedgehogs in the UK has plummeted by half. It’s time to do our bit to help increase the population of these cute prickly mammals. The easiest way to start is to add a hedgehog house to your garden. On top of providing shelter for these lovely creatures, hedgehog houses can act as a design feature. You can use a pile of logs to create a makeshift hedgehog house. If you are not up for DIY adventures, you can easily find ready-built ones. Hedgehogs are not picky eaters, so you can leave out plain dog or cat food (not-fish-based) for them. Be sure to pour them some fresh water in a shallow bowl as well.

Encourage bird nesting in your garden

If you dread doing garden work, you have a great excuse to avoid trimming shrubs and hedges this spring. Birds like building nests in such places, so consider leaving your hedges and shrubs as they are. To encourage birds to nest in your garden instead of your roof, place a nestbox up a tree. You can also put out short pieces of yarn, string, and natural fibre in a small basket or an onion bag.

Freshen up your outdoor furniture

Bring out your outdoor tables and chairs for a thorough wash. Wipe away cobwebs and hose everything down. Then, you can give your outdoor furniture any necessary touch-ups or even a complete makeover. If you are tired of this spring cleaning ritual, consider investing in granite garden furniture. Since this natural stone is tough and weather-proof, caring for granite furniture is easy. All you need to do is clean it with water and soap every now and then. And since you won’t have to store it away when the temperatures drop again, your garage will be clutter-free during winter. While natural stone furniture is more expensive than that made of metal or wood, it can easily last a lifetime.

Plant new flowers to attract bees

Flowers are a great way to add some colour to your property, however, their purpose shouldn’t be just aesthetic. There are a variety of flowers that are attractive to bees. But, to make sure that the bees will have a steady supply of pollen and nectar at all times, select different flowers that will bloom at different times throughout the year. Friends of the Earth have put together a list of bee-friendly plants for every season, so you can easily find ones that are a perfect fit for your garden. You can go a step further and make a bee hotel. Building one is fairly easy; just make sure to position it in full sun.

Caulk around the windows

See whether the stripping or caulking around the windows has remained intact. If it hasn’t, apply new caulk. Leakage around windows will let cool indoor air escape during the warmer months of the year. While you are still waiting for spring, keep an eye out for condensation between your double-pane or triple-pane windows. If you notice condensation between the panes, the weather seal might be damaged beyond repair. In this case, you will need to replace either the window or the glass.

Check vents

It’s a good time to check the vents in your attic and along the foundation as the snow melts away. Look for signs of rodent or insect infestation, debris, or damaged or missing screens. They can easily turn into bigger problems later in the season, so deal with such issues as soon as you notice them.

Inspect the foundation for cracks

When it comes to the foundation, you should also keep your eyes peeled for cracks. Routine caulking won’t fix the issue if cracks in the foundation exist. In that case, you should hire a foundation specialist.

Check fences and outside borders

Make sure your property is secure, and that no fencing panels have been damaged during the winter months. Check that shrubs and hedges are intact if they provide a secure border for your property.

These tips were supplied by Kevin Jefferson. Kevin has gone through an extensive home renovation with his son, which he has both thoroughly enjoyed, and dreaded every morning. He is now the proud owner of half his dream house (the other half has been waiting for spring). You can read more of Kevin’s work on PlainHelp.


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